Thursday, June 24, 2010

Welcome (A Note from Mrs. Somers)

Hi Honors Kids,

Well, after a couple weeks of cool, un-summerlike June weather, it's started heating up at last. I love it, especially when I can wake up and watch the World Cup. I'm very excited that USA beat Algeria yesterday and is moving on to the second round, and I'm hoping Saturday's game delivers us to the quarterfinals. The last time I watched USA in the quarterfinals was 1994 - so it would be pretty cool.

Hopefully by now, you've started reading the summer books, and I hope you are enjoying them. The tough thing about summer reading is that, unlike the school months, there's no discussion to help you think about the books and understand them more deeply. That's what this blog is all about ... to get you thinking and exchanging ideas.

I see that Mr. Hancock and Sam have already posted, and we'd like to have all the rest of you join the coversation. Feel free to add your own responses and/or respond to what others have said. There are no rules or guidelines to this, other than we want you to write what you really think - not what you think we want to hear. Remember, we've read these books and know what we think about them; the fun for us is to hear what YOU think, ok? While it would be great to have everyone respond to all the questions, feel free to skip one from each novel if you wish.

As I write this, it's still lazy old June. I'm getting ready to put on my running shoes and head out to the American River canyon with my dog Liam, and school feels pretty far away. I know, though, that by the time most of you are reading this, it'll be August and the pressure will be on. If anyone needs a copy of the essay prompt we passed out in May (due the first day of school), I'll have it posted on my class website by mid July.

But for now, just enjoy summer. We're looking forward to reading what you think about the books, and we'll be weighing in, too.

Take care,
Mrs. Somers

1 comment:

  1. Many of us would like to know if the essay should be single or double spaced. It doesn't say in the prompt. We don't know if the MLA formatting extends into the essay itself or we should single space? Thanks :)
